Former Cox-Swanson Home
The Cox-Swanson home was famous long before its doors were opened as one of the South’s best southern dining destinations. By 1902 the property had been sold to Mrs. Nora E. Cox for $800. The property description of this deed transaction reads: “…town lot in town of Perry commencing at livery stable lot of C. H. Moore and running up Carroll Street 154 feet to Washington Street….” Nora Singleton Cox added the front portion of the house after her acquisition in 1902. The back part of the building is believed to be the original part of the house. Her daughter, Mrs. Florine Cox Swanson and her husband, Mayor W. E. Swanson occupied the home with Mrs. Cox. Their daughter, Norene Swanson Jones, started Perry’s first kindergarten in the house in the 1930s. It was purchased by Wilbur King in May, 1986 to be used for commercial purposes and then purchased by Mike and Kim Sheridan in 2002 to open the Swanson Restaurant.