Palace Beautiful
This house was fondly called “Palace Beautiful” by Samuel D. Killen, a prosperous Perry lawyer, Houston County judge, Georgia Senator, and planter who built this structure in 1852. It was built with a simple Georgian design, both floors having symmetrical small upper and lower porches in front, paired chimneys, and side-gabled roof, all distinguishing features of the Georgian design. However, numerous changes were made to this home through the years: a wing was added at the right; and a porte cochere at the left which was later made into a sun porch and still later enclosed to form an office. The two small front porches were stripped away and replaced with a much grander portico and tiny second-floor balcony. It ceased to be a family dwelling in 1926 when it was sold to Clinchfield Portland Cement Corporation to be used as a clubhouse for visiting officials. It was sold again in 1955 to Gardner Watson to be used as a funeral home and continues as that business today.